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Construction Accident Attorneys

Given the dangers of their occupation, construction workers are at a higher risk than other workers to suffer a catastrophic injury while on the job. Therefore, if you or a loved one are injured in a construction accident, it is important to work with an experienced lawyer who understands the applicable bodies of law, and is determined to get you the compensation you need to recover.

The law office of Banwo & Igbokwe Law. has been helping those injured in construction accidents for decades. We understand the complexities of this type of law and can help you seek financial compensation for your suffering. Contact us today so we can review your case. Call 402-345-5759.

Experienced Construction Accident Attorneys

Whether you were injured because of defective machinery, a negligent subcontractor, or any other unique factor, our attorneys understand how to handle these types of cases. We will draw on our experience in building compelling cases for trial to develop a strategy that will help us get you the financial restitution you deserve.

Our team of attorneys handle litigation arising from all types of worksite accidents, including the following:

  • Falls from scaffolding, ladders, roofs, or other heights
  • Forklift accidents, crane accidents, or other heavy equipment accidents
  • Accidents involving power tools
  • Electrical accidents
  • Industrial accidents

Construction workers are typically entitled to workers' compensation benefits cover medical expenses and lost wages after being injured in a construction accident. Unfortunately, your accident might have left you with a life-changing injury, such as a spinal cord or brain injury, that prevents you from returning to the same occupation or to any occupation in some cases.

By exploring all angles of third-party liability, we are able to maximize the recovery for our clients. For example, if a scaffold or ladder fall is caused by defective scaffolding, we pursue accountability against the manufacturer of the defective or dangerous equipment.

A construction accident can leave you with stacks of medical bills, wage loss, or even temporary or permanent disability. We can help you pursue all sources of compensation for your injury, so you have the resources you need to pay your bills and move on with your life.

Speak With Us Today

If you are seeking compensation for a construction-related injury, our lawyers are here to help.  today at (402)345-5759 to speak with an experienced construction accident attorney. We represent clients throughout Nebraska and Iowa

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