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Omaha Misdemeanor Attorneys

“Confident. Clear. Committed.” It’s not just a slogan, it’s how we practice criminal law. If you are charged with a misdemeanor crime, everything you hold dear is at stake – even your freedom. We get it. That’s why we strive to give you the confident, clear and committed representation you need when you are facing criminal charges – no matter what they might be.

The Experience Your Misdemeanor Case Demands

The team of criminal defense lawyers at Banwo & Igbokwe law give you a wealth of experience that allows us to craft an unwavering, solid defense for your misdemeanor criminal case.

The criminal justice system operates by its own set of rules. At Banwo & Igbokwe Law, we know those rules and how to operate within them to give you the best defense we can and protect your Constitutional rights.

“Big Case” Representation, No Matter The Charge

At Banwo & Igbokwe Law, we believe every case deserves “big case” representation. Unlike some other well-known criminal law attorneys, we don’t just pay attention to clients who make the news. We believe every client deserves high-profile treatment. We put the full force of our experience and dedication behind your defense.

If your case is high-profile, rest assured, we know how to handle it. We have the resources at our immediate disposal that allow us not only to provide a stellar criminal defense, but also to handle the news media and any other social media or public attention that may surround your case.

In the end, however – high-profile or not – criminal misdemeanor cases come down to the evidence and whether the prosecutor can get that evidence before the court. We carefully craft a clear strategy in your case to make sure the government is put to the burden of proving their case. In situations where we believe a plea bargain is in your best interest, we have the experience to ensure it is the best deal we can get for you under the circumstances of your case.

Our mission is to provide the best criminal defense to each and every one of our clients.

Our Criminal Law Practice

At Banwo & Igbokwe Law, we represent clients with misdemeanor charges, including:

  • Violent crimes.
  • Theft and property crimes.
  • Domestic violence related criminal charges.
Drug-related charges.
Campus crimes – minor in possession, theft, assault and other charges.
  • Juvenile crimes.
  • Sex crimes.
  • Probation violations.
White collar crimes.
DUI/DMV representation.
  • Other misdemeanor charges of all kinds.

There for You All the Way

We will be there with you from the beginning, from initial investigations through sentencing and post-sentence appeals.

You need representation from the beginning of any investigation – before you speak with law enforcement. Call us for a consultation before you make any statements. In many cases, we will speak to the police on your behalf, because nothing we say can be used against you. Anything and everything you say can and will be used against you, however.

Remember, the police are interviewing you to build a case against you.

 Even if you have already been charged, we can help. In our years of dealing with police and prosecutors, we have extensive legal experience and have developed a reputation of integrity and credibility. Those two things enable us to represent you in court and also to negotiate effectively on your behalf – the cornerstones of a good criminal defense.

Contact us

Reach out to find out more about our services or to schedule an appointment with our attorneys.

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